1. Introduction

This agreement sets forth the Terms and Conditions, governed by the laws of England and Wales, under which a place has been offered to your child at LF Hybrid School. By accepting a place for your child, you agree to be legally bound by these Terms and Conditions. Submission of your Enrolment Application form constitutes acceptance of these Terms and Conditions.

Please read these Terms and Conditions carefully before submitting your Enrolment Application form to us.

2. Duration

These Terms and Conditions will remain in force until the pupil concludes their education with LF Hybrid School or is either voluntarily withdrawn by parents or carers by completing a Leaving Form (refer to Section 11, Notice Period) or excluded as per the authority granted by these Terms and Conditions. LF Hybrid School reserves the right to change the Terms and Conditions throughout the academic year. Any changes will take effect 28 days after being announced.

3. Authority of the Executive Headteacher

Parents or carers authorize the Executive Headteacher, Heads of School, and Head of Wellbeing within LF Hybrid School, or their nominated deputy, to take actions they consider in the best interest of the pupil on a day-to-day basis.

4. Provision of Education

LF Hybrid School shall endeavor to provide a suitable educational environment for every pupil. While we strive for excellence, LF Hybrid School cannot guarantee that the pupil will achieve desired examination results or that results will be sufficient for entry to other educational establishments.

LF Hybrid School does not handle the administration of examinations. Pupils must register as private candidates. Finding a suitable examination center, meeting registration deadlines, and covering examination costs are the responsibilities of the parent or carer. Additional requirements for participation in educational provisions, such as practical science for A-levels, are also the responsibility of the parent or carer (refer to Section 5).

5. Parents or Carers’ Responsibility

Parents or carers must inform their local authority or government, where required, that they are electively home-educating their child. LF Hybrid School aims to work in partnership with parents or carers for the educational advancement of enrolled students. According to the Department for Education Elective Home Education Guidance for Parents, the responsibility for educational provision for electively home-educated pupils lies with the carer.

Parents or carers must use the relevant Parent Portals to monitor their child’s progress, assist with managing deadlines, and ensure assignments and assessments are completed and submitted correctly in Canvas. They must also support their child by providing necessary materials and informing LF Hybrid School of any changes that may impact the child’s learning.

Parents or carers are responsible for ensuring their child has an appropriate study location, access to the internet, and the correct technology to participate in lessons. Refunds will not be provided for poor internet connection or device issues.

If pupils are unable to attend a live lesson, a carer must notify the school using the Absence Form and detail the reason for the absence. Pupils are expected to watch the recording of any missed lessons.

Parents or carers must ensure the legality of home-schooling in their country if their child does not attend regular, full-time school.

6. Age Eligibility

For child protection and safeguarding reasons, LF Hybrid School cannot accept newly enrolled individuals to classes if they are over 18 years of age, unless the provision is specific to adult learners. Refer to our Safeguarding Policy for more information.

7. Admissions Relocating Families

If you are relocating, notify your Success Coordinator and complete the change of address form on the Parent Portal. If relocating to a new country and timezone, we will endeavor to adjust your child’s timetable accordingly, subject to availability.

Enrolment Application and Payment

Upon submission of an enrolment application, a non-refundable enrolment fee is required. From 28th March 2022, an enrolment deposit will also be required to secure a place. The deposit will be refunded within 28 days of course completion or agreement termination, after deducting any outstanding fees. Breaching the Terms and Conditions may result in forfeiture of your deposit.

Your child’s enrolment will be processed within approximately 12 working days of submitting a complete application, in line with the next available start date. Tuition fees must be paid by the indicated deadline, or the start date may be delayed. Failure to pay within 28 days of the invoice may result in removal of the application from our system.

Only submit an enrolment application if your child is ready and available to start lessons within the next month, except for early applications for the next academic year.

Provide a copy of official identification for your child detailing their date of birth and proof of your current address. Refer to current government guidelines for acceptable proof of address documentation.

To attend LF Hybrid School, your child should be at least B1 level of the Common European Framework (CEFR) in English.

Returning Families

If returning to LF Hybrid School, you must complete the entire enrolment application process, including payment of the enrolment fee and enrolment deposit.

8. Timetables

Upon enrolment, indicate your preferred time window for lessons. There is an expectation that your child will be available for lessons from Monday to Friday.

Timetabling is at the discretion of the school. While we will try to meet your time preferences, it may not always be possible due to availability constraints. All live lessons are recorded and can be viewed later. In cases where lessons are at unsuitable times, we recommend using lesson recordings.

The school timetable ensures no clashes within each year group, but clashes may occur if enrolling in multiple year groups. Individual timetables cannot be amended throughout the academic year except in accordance with our Subject Add and Subject Drop policies (see Section 19).

The school timetable is subject to change.

9. Fees

LF Hybrid School reserves the right to increase fees with at least 30 days' prior notice. Liability for payment of fees and other expenses lies with the elected payer.

No refunds will be given for minor disruptions to lessons. However, you may have a right to a refund for significant disruptions under The Consumer Rights Act 2015.

Payment Options

Fees can be paid termly or yearly. Fees are charged from the first to the last day of the academic year. No fees are payable over the summer holidays. Fees for part-year enrolments are calculated pro-rata.

Click here for the fee structure ------------------------------

Secondary School Textbooks

Textbooks are provided via a digital platform and also the required textbooks will be sended to the address specified. Payment for textbooks and resources is required to access lessons. Textbooks fees are not pro-rata’d for late enrolments and are non-refundable if a subject is dropped.

Incompletion of Agreed Payment(s)

Fees not paid by the due date will result in pupil exclusion and possible Late Fee charges. If payment is not made within two weeks of the due date, the pupil will be removed from the school, and:

  • Prior to 28th March 2022: Debt will be passed to a debt collection agency.

  • From 28th March 2022: Enrolment deposit will be retained (refunds will be provided if debt is lower than the deposit).

Parents and carers are liable for all costs, fees, and charges, including legal fees, incurred in recovering unpaid fees.

Payment Options

Fees can be paid termly or yearly. Fees are charged from the first to the last day of the academic year. No fees are payable over the summer holidays. Fees for part-year enrolments are calculated pro-rata.

Click here for the fee structure ------------------------------

10. Enrolment Update: In Advance of Each Academic Year

Current pupils must complete an Enrolment Update Form and pay a tuition deposit to secure a place for the next academic year. The tuition deposit will be deducted from the first tuition invoice of the new academic year.

Pupils moving to a new key stage can select their subjects for the next academic year. All other pupils will have their current subjects rolled over unless subjects are added or dropped as per Section 19.

The tuition deposit will be retained if you choose not to return. Enrolment will continue into the next academic year until a leaving form is submitted, and tuition fees will remain payable.

11. Notice Period

Notice to leave the school must be submitted via the ‘Leaving Form’ following a call with the designated Success Coordinator. There are three leaving dates throughout the academic year, coinciding with the end of each term.

Termly Payments (Instalments and Full Payment Options)

Exit date will be the end of the current term if notified by submitting a ‘Leaving Form’ 14 days before the term ends. Late notifications will extend the exit date to the end of the following term.

Yearly Payments

Exit date will be the end of the current term if notified by submitting a ‘Leaving Form’ 14 days before the term ends. Fees are non-refundable.

Returning to School After Leaving

Re-enrolment requires payment of the full enrolment fee and enrolment deposit and following the enrolment process specified in Section 7.

Deletion of Classwork and Coursework

Pupil profiles and coursework will be removed from our platforms after the leaving date. Download any desired work before leaving. The school is not responsible for lost work.

12. Confidentiality

LF Hybrid School respects pupil privacy. Publications, including photographs and videos, require consent from the carer. Consent is given for pupils to appear in recorded lessons. These recordings are for internal use only and will not be shared externally. All staff must complete safeguarding protocols.

Parents and carers specify permissions for sharing pupil information upon enrolment. Notify the school in writing of any changes.

13. Internet Security

LF Hybrid School takes steps to ensure appropriate use of its platform but holds pupils accountable for misuse. Deliberate misuse will be treated as a breach of school rules and may result in expulsion.

Pupils may use internet resources such as YouTube as part of lessons. Parents or carers must ensure appropriate content controls and internet security software are in place. While LF Hybrid School provides guidance on safe internet use, parents are responsible for online safety.

Pupils must not share links, logins, or social media handles. Contact your Success Coordinator for external communication between pupils.

Refer to our E-Safety Policy for further information.

14. Usernames and Passwords

Only enrolled pupils should use LF Hybrid School platforms. Sharing usernames and passwords is prohibited. Misuse will be investigated and may result in expulsion.

15. Data Protection

LF Hybrid School uses the information you provide for administrative, monitoring, accounting, curriculum control, examination publication, references, and management purposes. Information may be disclosed to service providers and agents.

By agreeing to these Terms and Conditions, you consent to our processing of your and your child's information, including sensitive data.

LF Hybrid School records all live interactions between teachers and pupils. Recordings are stored securely and shown only to currently enrolled pupils or staff.

Parents or carers give LF Hybrid School permission to contact exam centers for pupil exam results.

16. Behaviour

The Executive Headteacher, Heads of School, and Head of Wellbeing handle all disciplinary matters. Parents or carers and pupils accept this authority unconditionally and must adhere to the school's Behaviour Policy, available on the website.

Poor behaviour by the pupil or inappropriate behaviour by the carer may result in exclusion. Refer to the Social Media Code of Conduct for Parents and Carers. A breach may result in unenrollment.

Parents must balance supporting their child at home with trusting teaching staff to facilitate independent learning. Refer to the Expectations of Parents and Carers in Lessons policy.

17. Academic Honesty

All submitted work must be original and properly cited. The school screens for similarity and may report academic malpractice to exam boards, which could result in marks loss, reporting, or exclusion. The Executive Headteacher and Heads of School decide on such matters.

18. Cancellation of Lessons

Cancelled lessons due to school faults will be covered by a substitute teacher, cover work, or recorded lessons. No refunds are offered for such cancellations.

19. Changing Enrolment Adding Subjects

Complete the Add Subject form via the Parent Portal at least 14 days before the term ends. New subjects are added termly. Approve the timetable slot within 7 days. Tuition fees will be updated accordingly.

Dropping Subjects

Submit the Drop Subject form via the Parent Portal at least 14 days before the term ends. Changes take effect the following term. No refunds are provided for tuition fees already paid.

Download desired work before dropping a subject. The school is not responsible for lost work.

Support Classes

Add support classes via the Parent Portal. Dropped termly by submitting a Drop Subject form.

One to One Tuition

Book sessions through the One To One Tuition Portal. Refunds are not provided for cancelled or unattended sessions. Reschedule up to 48 hours in advance.

One to One Counselling

Book via the One to One Counselling Interest Form. Sessions are available in blocks of four. Refunds are not provided for cancelled or unattended sessions. Reschedule up to 48 hours in advance.

Lingua Connect

Enroll via the Lingua Connect form on the Parent Portal. Pupils must enable camera and audio during lessons unless exempt. LF Hybrid School pupils receive a reduced fee. Lingua Connect fees are subject to the same conditions as LF Hybrid School fees (see Section 9).

20. ‘Cooling Off’ Period

You may withdraw acceptance of these terms and conditions within 14 days of submitting an Enrolment Application Form. Refunds will deduct an amount for services supplied during the period. The enrolment fee is non-refundable.